One is seriously considering metaphorically renditioning Talibangelical pin-up gov and cheeky, winky ex-Trophy VEEP Sarah Palin forcibly metaphorically to induct her into Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, a fine bunch of separationists who organized a fab blogger meet-up in DC recently, at which many fab bloggers actually met up (including the divine Flying Corrente Brothers VastLeft and Lambert, BlueGal, Dr. Zaius, PZ of Pharyngula, tristero, Ed of Dispatches from the Culture Wars, the divine Jesus' General, et al.) to frolick and to gambol, to say the least. It was inspiring.
Many many thanks to Beth Corbin and AU.
pin-up gov and cheeky, winky ex-Trophy VEEP Sarah Palin
Aren't you engaging in the very thing you are calling the MSM out about in your post above?
Yes, I am.
(See sidebar "NB")
Oh. Ohhh-kay. Your blog, your rules. :)
Carry on.
Forgot to mention that I'm pea-green with envy that you got to frolic with such an illustrious group.
; )
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