Friday, June 26, 2009

HufPo: Another Sexist Article on a Prominent US Politician

HuffPo is supposed to be a liberal site?

Well, guess what. It isn't.

Regarding females primarily as sex objects is uh -- duh -- sexist. And that's uh -- duh -- bad.

This is maybe the fifth article from HuffPo in the past month that is openly, overtly sexist. Call for others to get their panties in a twist, plse.

Maria Cantwell Voted Sexiest Senator.


Unknown said...

HuffPo is simply CNN for those upper middle class folks who find it fashionable to fancy themselves "progressives". In addition to HuffPo's blatant and rampant sexism, it also offers light-hearted "comedy" entertainment, such as " Tasering video.." ( )

No Blood for Hubris said...

Odd, isn't it?