Showing posts with label Talibangelicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Talibangelicals. Show all posts

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Toast to Random Parenthood

Mr and Mrs. Duggar welcome their 18th random child to the universe.

Reminds me of . . .

Groucho Marx was interviewing a woman who had 18 children.

Groucho said, 'That's a big responsibility. Why so many children?'

The woman replied, 'Well, I just love my husband.'

Said, Groucho: 'Well, I love my cigar, but I take it out of my mouth every once in a while.'

Hey, it's not as if there were lots and lots of unwanted, abused, and neglected kids already out there, is there?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Get Your Church Out of My State

Oh good.

We so like it when civil rights are determined by majority rule, a majority propagandized and hyped by churches pushing specific behavioral agendas.

What's next?

Mosaic Law?

Slavery -- on an up-or-down vote?

Hey, the sky's the limit if you can organize bigots to vote the way your church wants, eh? (Me, I'm pushing the legislative agenda of Buddhists Against Roach Motels).

Mormon interference in Proposition 8 and Catholic interference in the Presidential election do not constitute an exercise in freedom of speech. It is meddling in politics.

If churches want to do politics, fine, but if they do, they must be stripped of their precious tax exemptions.

Which makes the whole thing more about karma, cause and effect, does it not?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Sarah Palin Creatively Re-Interprets The Constitution

What would one do without Sarah Palin? I mean, really. What would one do?

Here, she asserts her newfound right to attack Barack Obama without fear of vicious horrid reprisals from the media in the form of them daring to question her wisdom in attacking him.

That's pretty creative.

Glenn Greenwald calls her assertion "so dumb that it hurts."

She's quite the fascist, really, is she not?

Growing Doubts On Palin Take a Toll, Poll Finds.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Prayer Warrior Sarah Palin's Witch-Hunter #2: Mary Glazier

Practice the virtue of patience for the first 45 seconds, at which time the fun begins.

Then check out Palin in My Prayer Group, Says Witch-Hunter #2, by troutfishing. And guess what, the New York Times has finally noticed that something's up. Took them awhile.

Hat-tip to Jesus' General.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

McCain Rally Preacher Erroneously Calls Buddha a "god," Prays to Christian God to Save God's Rep By Causing McCain Victory

Just another day in samsara as usual, home of passion, aggression and -- ignorance.

How offensive is this guy's total ignorance about Buddhism in particular to this card-carrying Buddhist? Mm -- very. (But in a dharmic context.) Plus his um wacko attitude toward several other religions.

Who does he think he is?

Oh, right. He's just being proud and godly, not totally incorrect and repulsive and wicked arrogant. Yuh. Blessed are the meek, dude.

Another fake Christian in need of remedial Sunday School.

Sigh. One of so many.

Dharmic context:**


Even if someone cuts your head off
For having done nothing wrong,
To take on that person's negativities
Through the power of compassion
Is the practice of a bodhisattva.

Hat-tip to Jesus' General

and to TPM.

Cross-posted at Buddhist Jihad.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Vicious Mrs. (Palin) -- Georgia On Her Mind?

It's hard not to be painfully amused when the increasingly desperate Repubs offer a set of idiotic photo-ops as proof positive of their featherweight Talibangelical Trophy VEEP candidate's foreign policy expertise.

It's gone beyond insulting.

It's hilarious.

You think this Palin skirt is a little light, do you?

B-b-but, she she's been photographed sitting in the very same same room with Karzai! She even asked him the name of his kid!! How diplomatic is that, eh? Wow!
“What is his name?” Ms. Palin was heard to ask, as she met with Mr. Karzai in the suite of a midtown hotel, according to a pool report.

“Mirwais,” Mr. Karzai replied. “Mirwais, which means, ‘The Light of the House.’”

“Oh nice,” Palin responded.

“He is the only one we have,” Mr. Karzai said.

You think this Palin broad is a bit braindead, do you?

B-b-but, she's been photographed sitting right next to [coughwarcriminalcough] Henry Kissinger!!
"As photographers were led in, Mr. Kissinger could be heard saying that he gave someone “a lot of credit for what he did in Georgia,” according to a reporter who was allowed to watch.

“Good, good,’’ Ms. Palin said. “And you’ll give me more insight on that, also, hunh? Good.”

The photographers were ushered out. When Ms. Palin emerged from the building, a news producer asked her how it went, and she mouthed the words, “It was great.”"

Hey, I'll give you some more insight on that, Sarah.

And it'll be great. Here goes: all your non-blinking loudmouth god-given ready-to-VEEP confidence is more like lipstick on a big fat hideous ego, hunh?

This is fun. Campbell Brown calls on the McCain to stop its own sexist treatment of its Trophy VEEP: FREE SARAH PALIN!! I couldn't agree more.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

More On the Palin-Dominionist Theocrat Connection

Must-read from dogemperor of DailyKos.

From Salon, an article called "Sarah Palin, Faith-Based Mayor," which details Palin's support of a very creepy Talibangelical social infiltration campaign, which includes teaching innocent Americans to submit unquestioningly to authorities. Sound familiar? It sure did to me. (And no, I'm not making this up. I don't have to. I never have to.)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Witch Hunter Who Prayed Paliin Into Office Returns to Wasilla

It's Pastor Muthee!

He's a real witch-hunter. No, really. He is.

He's a real witch-hunter and he's into theocracy! No, really. He is.

Story from Alaska Mudflats.

The official vision statement of Muthee’s church (taken directly from the website) is…are you ready? …

"Touching lives for total community transformation, thereby taking cities and nations."

Taking cities and nations? Most of us would like our cities and nation to stay just where they are, thankyouverymuch.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Clueless: Lying About Iraq, Lying About Troopergate

From the Irish Times, McCain Campaign Admits Palin Never Visited Iraq.

And here's the Troopergate guy saying that the vicious Mrs. Palin is lying about that, too.

And from Salon, a little about book-banning, which Palin said she didn't do but others say otherwise, oh and about her pro-government-forced-maternity activities and anti-gay and pro-creationism in public schools kinda stuff.

From the Sydney Morning Herald, Press Picks Over Litter of Lies on the Palin trail.

And here's the vicious Mrs. (Palin) admitting that she will not cooperate in the Troopergate ethics probe, although previously she had said that she would. Hmm.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hey. Does Talibangelical Pitbull Sarah Palin Make Dick Cheney Look Like the 14th Dalai Lama?

And remember - - Sarah Palin thinks herself "Pro-Life"!

So yes, in answer to your unasked question, I had lots of fun listening to the RNC's evening of unbelievably offensive speakers, and I emerged unbelievably offended. Mrs. Palin seems to be not merely a Trophy VEEP, but a rabid krypto-Dominionist, a stealth candidate who in her hidden heart of hearts would very much like to replace our separation-of-church-and-state Democracy with an authoritarian fundamentalist theocracy because well God told her to.

I particularly enjoyed her speech trashing the rule of law and constitutional rights. Very amusing, Sarah. Haha

McCain/Palin = even worse than Bush/Cheney -- if you can wrap your mind around that. Gakk.

Via RawStory, from Reuters Can Palin Also Galvanize the US Left?
Here's a story on keeping Palin muzzled for the entire campaign (lol), "No Questions, Please," apparently the key Republican strategy to prevent their vicious Mrs. from imprudently revealing her ultra-mega-rightwing looniness (as in "Shut up, bitch!").
Hat tip to Jesus' General, from Blue Oregon: On Sarah Palin, Family Values, and me
And from Slate, "Bristol's Body, Sarah's Choice."

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Talibangelical Palin: Dobson's Choice

Well, guess what?

The Republican party is now being run by James Dobson.

You remember Dr. Dobson.

James Dobson, the guy who (himself an adult survivor of childhood physical abuse) advocates the whipping of infants with real whips, the belt-beating of one's "beloved" (sic) Dachshund Siggie, and advocates having grown men shower naked with little boys to compare penis sizes so the little boy won't grow up to be homosexual.*

No, I'm not making this up.
I don't have to. I never have to.

So, it seems that war hero POW John McCain, a manly man if ever there was one, was not man enough to stand strong on his choice for Vice-President of the United States. Seems McCain wanted Joe Lieberman or Tom Ridge. But the Talibangelicals, led by James "Dogbeater" Dobson, wouldn't let him.

So McCain caved.

That's not very manly.

The Talibangelicals wouldn't back either Lieberman or Ridge because both of them oppose government-forced maternity. And that's the cutting edge this year, and that's why Mrs. Sarah Palin is Dobson's choice. (Oh, and in case you were wondering, Mrs. Palin's chosen church is scrubbing its website so no one can do a Rev. Wright thing on her and find out about all her Talibangelical views. Um, can you say 'consciousness of guilt'? I can.)

How Talibangelical is Mrs. Palin?


Talibangelical enough to fire the Wasilla town librarian for resisting her efforts to ban books that she, Mrs. Palin, found morally or socially objectionable.

Which behavior happens to be morally and socially objectionable to me.

How about you?

P.S. Is Mrs. Palin a Dominionist? Just askin'.

The original link appears to have been scrubbed, but here's a little clip: -- 'James Dobson even wrote a treatise on how fathers can cure their children of homosexuality, including the following tips: "He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger."'

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Authority-Respecting Megachurch Wife Accused of Attacking Stewardess I Mean Flight Attendant

My favorite part of this story is the pastor claiming he would never disrespect authority, in this case, that he would never disrepect the authority of the flight attendant. I like the orange pant-suit part, too. w00t!
HOUSTON, Texas -- The wife of megachurch evangelist Joel Osteen told jurors Friday that she was "dumbfounded" and "shook up" after a flight attendant accused her of assaulting her over a spill on a first-class seat. Victoria Osteen and her husband, Joel Osteen, testified at the trial Friday in Houston, Texas. . .

Continental Airlines flight attendant Sharon Brown claims that Osteen grabbed, elbowed and pushed her before the start of a 2005 flight to Vail, Colorado. Osteen and her husband, who also had been on board and testified earlier Friday, denied that account.

"I love people. I'm guilty of that," Osteen said.

Dressed in an orange pant suit, Osteen was animated while testifying, often moving her hands while she talked. A couple of times during her testimony, she cried.

Joel Osteen called the incident "an unfortunate misunderstanding." He testified that his wife never raised her voice or grabbed the flight attendants, though he said he could not hear his wife's voice from his seat.

"We would never disrespect authority or disrespect" the flight attendant, Joel Osteen said.

The couple are co-pastors of Houston's Lakewood Church, a converted basketball arena that draws about 42,000 people each week. Joel Osteen's weekly television address is broadcast nationally and internationally, and he has written books that have been sold around the globe.

On Thursday, another flight attendant on the plane, Maria Johnson, testified that Victoria Osteen demanded special attention to clean up a half-dollar-sized spill on her armrest.

When Victoria Osteen didn't get her way, Johnson testified, the passenger became verbally and physically abusive to both flight attendants. She said Osteen eventually grabbed Brown by the shoulders, elbowed her in the chest and pushed her out of the way in an attempt to get into the cockpit.

But both Joel and Victoria Osteen, who were called to the witness stand by Brown's attorney, disputed Johnson's testimony.

Victoria Osteen said that when she first told a flight attendant about the spill, she was handed some napkins. She said she responded, " 'It's not my job.' I didn't say it in an ugly tone of voice."

Victoria Osteen denied Johnson's claim that she later grabbed Johnson and pulled her in order to have her see the spill.

Victoria Osteen said she tends to talk with her hands. She said that when she was talking with Brown, she was holding her sunglasses but did not point them at the flight attendant.

Victoria Osteen told jurors that Brown's response was to fling her hands at her and accuse her of pointing and pushing the flight attendant.

"It freaked me out. I asked a simple question," she said.

Brown claims in her lawsuit that after pushing her, Victoria Osteen tried to get into the cockpit. Victoria Osteen denied that, telling jurors she just wanted to get away from the situation.

"I was already freaked out because she was accusing me of stuff I didn't do," she said. "I was dumbfounded."

Victoria Osteen said she told Brown, "If I've done something to offend you, I'm sorry" and then got some napkins and went back and cleaned up the spill.

Reginald McKamie, Brown's attorney, asked Joel Osteen why he said in one of his religious messages that if it wasn't for him, his wife would be in prison.

Osteen said he meant it to be a comical statement about the differences between him and his wife, that he likes routine and considers himself boring while his wife is outgoing and likes to go to new restaurants and new places.

"You don't go to jail because you like different restaurants, do you?" McKamie asked, as the packed courtroom laughed. . .

Via RawStory, here.

And now for something completely different, the divine Vast Leftwing Conspiracy: Man Whose Campaign Destroyed Bill Clinton's Reputation To Allow Him Chance to Repair It.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

People Who Love You Get to Hit You & Hurt You: In Jesus' Name, Amen?

Oh. My. God.

How about a little traditional wife spanking in a Christian marriage?

See, it's gay marriage that is so ruining happy traditional sadomasochistic Christian marriages like these.

"What is Christian Domestic Discipline?

A domestic discipline marriage is one in which one partner in the marriage is given authority over the other and has the means to back the authority, usually by spanking.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is one that is set up according to Biblical standards; that is, the husband is the authority in the household. The wife is submissive to her husband as is fit in the Lord and her husband loves her as himself. He has the ultimate authority in his household, but it is tempered with the knowledge that he must answer to God for his actions and decisions. . . .

CDD is so much more than just spanking. It is the husband loving the wife enough to guide and teach her, and the wife loving the husband enough to follow his leadership. A Christian marriage embodies true romance and a Christian man a true hero.

Though this seems unusual in today's United States, this kind of marriage has been practiced throughout history and is still practiced in many parts of the world today."

Mm, that's a fine argument, lady, and one which would support many other interesting traditional practices such as child prostitution,slavery, boiling in oil, and the death by a thousand cuts, eh?

It's a great site, right from its top to its (bruised) bottom.

There's a page called "When to Show Mercy." There's info on after-care, applying aloe to wounds. Everyone is referred to as a "lady" or a "gentlemen."

Don't miss the glossary for gentlemen husbands.

Which includes:
Corner time: An alternative form of punishment where a wife is required to stand facing a corner, often with her bottom on display, before, during, or after a spanking.

Diaper Position: Spanking position where wife lies on her back with her legs raised upwards toward her head.

TMI, but hey, it's inspirational. Really. It inspired me to write this post.

Call me buddhist for the past 30 years, but before that, I spent 10 years in Sunday School, from which I graduated, btw, and I sure don't remember Jesus teaching any shit like this

Regular garden-variety Talibangelicals also don't bother practicing the Beatitudes, much less the Golden Rule, but them I'm used to.

But these Christians -- they're really special. So Story of O Meets The Last Supper kinda special.

These people -- I don't know -- God help them. They're um like so deluded, how can they stand it?

Hat tip to Jesus' General.

And some related kiddie-spank posts via Buddhist Jihad.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Duggar Quiver Really Really Really Full

Full-quiver Family Mom Michelle Duggar just announced that she is expecting her 18th child.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sadists for Christ

"Suffer the little children to come unto me?"


Let's let the little children who come unto me suffer.

Yes, let's tie children to our motor vehicles with ropes and drag them in the dirt on their stomachs in Jesus' name to show our little children the wonder of His love.

You think I'm joking? Sadly, no.

These are the godly (sic) works of "Love Demonstrated Ministries."

I kid you not.

Aug. 11, 2007, 2:45PM
Pastor accused of dragging girl behind his van
A trainer also faces charges in incident at boot camp

A San Antonio pastor and an employee of his Christian (sic) boot camp were arrested Friday on aggravated assault charges, accused of dragging a girl behind a van

And get this:

The camp was created to "reinstill the values that have been lost in our society for a couple of generations, values such as discipline, morality, unity and integrity."

Full story here.