Showing posts with label moral bankruptcy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moral bankruptcy. Show all posts

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Catholic Church Wants Forced Maternity for 9 -Year-Old Rape Victim

Isn't that so very compassionate?

Suffer the little children to -- oh, you know, suffer!
A senior Vatican cleric has defended the excommunication of the mother and doctors of a nine-year-old girl who had an abortion in Brazil after being raped.

Not to mention protecting a rapist's right to breed.

Oh, and on that happy note, happy International Women's Day. Which, although I belong to multiple US liberal groups, somehow had escaped my notice. Checking Kos, I don't see it in the top 10. And as of this writing 3:50, I don't see any article about it -- at all. I don't see anything at Americablog -- though I do see mention of what clothes John thinks the First Lady OUGHT to be wearing. And not wearing.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

a-Q Lite Lashkar-eTaiba "Spinoff" Blamed in Pakistan Terror Attacks

Main LET leaders claim they'd never do any such thing.

No really.

Lashkar-e-Taiba has an extensive network in southern and Southeast Asia. A senior US military intelligence official described the group as "al Qaeda junior," as it has vast resources, an extensive network, and is able to carry out complex attacks throughout its area of operations. "If by some stroke of luck al Qaeda collapsed, LeT (Lashkar-e-Taiba) could step in and essentially take its place," the official told The Long War Journal in November 2008.

The relationship between al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba is complex, the official noted. "While Lashkar-e-Taiba is definitely subordinate to al Qaeda in many ways, it runs its own network and has its own command structure. The groups often train in each others' camps, and fight side by side in Afghanistan."

So -- now do we get to give credit to Lashkar-al-Zil?

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Red Chinese Celebrate 50 Years of Successful Genocide in Tibet

My favorite part of this recent picture of Tibet under Chinese rule is that while there are lots of imperialist riot police protecting all-important Han capitalist ventures, the shop signs are Tibetan-language free; the streets of Tibet have no Tibetans.

50 Years After Revolt, China Clamps Down on Tibet.

Red China celebrates decades of imposing racist serfdom in Tibet by closing Tibet to foreign tourists.

More here.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Porn-Again Christians Ante Up for Porn In the USA

Yes, well, what a surprise.

The Conservative-iest "family values" [coughchokecough] folks turn out to be fueling the billion-dollar porn industry.

"Residents of 27 states that passed laws banning gay marriages boasted 11% more porn subscribers than states that don't explicitly restrict gay marriage."

"States where a majority of residents agreed with the statement "I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage," bought 3.6 more [online porn] subscriptions per thousand people than states where a majority disagreed."

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Tibetan New Year

Celebrations muted in Tibet due to recent brutalities by genocidal Red Chinese; Han are pissed, try to bribe Tibetans into Disney-World festivities, but foolish Tibetans resist.

Han propaganists complain about naughty naughty Tibetan un-Han point of view and evil splittist Dalai Lama, but plan to bar foreign tourists from Tibet during 50-year anniversary of the 1959 people's uprising, because they know how happy Tibetans are as Serfs of Han, want to give them lotsa space to demonstrate their feeeeeelings without the inconvenient eyes of furrin' witnesses.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Day of Shame


That's it.

It's that time of year again.

Commemorating yet another anniversary of the Day of Shame.

A wholly-pwned subsidiary of the Presidency of Shame.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Beating Some Sense Into the Non-Golden Rule Talibangelicals

On Christianity, Fundamentalism, Spanking, and What Constitutes Child Abuse

" . . the fundamentalist view of humanity is such that humans are viewed as sinful and hell-bound by nature. This rebellion must be addressed. The best way to save one’s child from hell is by “beating the hell out of him or her.”

In Grevens’ Spare the Rod: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse (1991) the notion of using physical abuse to “break the child’s will” is explored. It is the parental responsibility to break the will so that the child will conform to the parent’s wishes, thereby learning obedience to God.

How much force must be applied?

Most fundamentalist commentators state that the parent must remain fairly emotionless and turn a deaf ear to the protests of the child.

[Thus engendering numbing and avoidance in the the parents, btw, a classic symptom of PTSD.]

The child must be struck repeatedly until s/he begins crying profusely, for that is the sign of a broken will—the objective of striking the child in the first place.

Grevens demonstrates through much anecdotal evidence that the whole notion is fraught with difficulties. . . .Citing examples of well-known Christians reflecting on their childhood, a picture emerges of children waiting during the “cooling off” period, making deals with God, and pleading with God that they would not be beaten again.

As for the love part, Ruth Wilkerson Harris (sister of evangelist David Wilkerson) in her book, It was Good Enough for the Father: The Story of the Wilkerson Family (1969), recounts how the Wilkerson children, had to face the “humbling” of embracing their father after a beating and saying, “I love you Daddy. Forgive me for disobeying.”

[Thus teaching the important lesson that people who love you get to hit you and hurt you.]

Capps, in Religion and Child Abuse: Perfect Together (JSSR, 1992), points out that this mixture of anger, pain, beating, and love is very confusing to children.

[No, really?]

They likely come to view the ritual as a pain filled affair necessary to gain the parent’s love. They must surely long for a love that might, someday, be unconditional, with no beatings attached.

[or -- they might go the way of -- Vitter?]

They plead for God to deliver them. God doesn’t. As much anecdotal evidence indicates, as adults, such children do not thank God that they had a parent willing to inflict physical punishment on them and many grow up with a very confused image of God. They have been taught that God is all-powerful, yet God did not rescue them when they pleaded with God for mercy."

Hands up everyone who perceives the relevance of the non-golden rule Talibangelical presence in the military to the government-sanctioned sadism at Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, CIA black sites?

Monday, February 02, 2009

Times R Tough: Let's Cut Back Our Social Infrastructure, Yep, The Same Social Infrastructure That Is Totally Inadequate At Present

Well, hey, it's true: times are tough.

FL: FL man arrested for child abuse:
Deputies say the report alleged that Joseph P. Gariano had shoved a juvenile victim to the ground and held her face in a puddle of urine as punishment for urinating on the floor.

There are also allegations that Gariano submerged another juvenile victim underwater in a bath tub because he was angry that the child was crying.

MA Foster mom burns 4 y. o. boy's face with hair iron, retains custody of her bio kids.

NY: 5 month old in critical condition
Police say they have charged the girl's father, Scott Archbold, 41, (above left) with causing the injuries including multiple bone fractures, internal bleeding and signs of prior abuse. Christina Benjamin, (above right) the infant's mother, has been charged with child endangerment for allegedly failing to get the child medical attention after the infant's grandmother suspected the abuse.
(What was that the Bushist fascists were saying about how every kid needs a mommy and a daddy?)

MA: 9. y.o. boy beaten so badly that "it looked like he he had been punched likes a boxer after a vicious fight."

AL: Foster Dad arrested for rape first-degree, torture, willful child abuse.

But just because times are tough, it doesn't mean we can't support government-forced maternity and random parenthood, can it? It's not as if we're unable to care for the post-born kids we already have, is it? Oh dear I'm repeating myself?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Read Arthur Silber's Post.

I'm swamped in rl right now.

But read my fellow Alice Miller fan, Arthur Silber,

(and please send Arthur some really nice thing like, well, money.)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"What's In a Name? A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell --- " Um, like Torture?

No, Mikey, let's SO not call a spade a spade.

Let's keep throwing obfuscatory Orwellian propaganda-spin-chaff-labels around and see if anyone will notice.

Or if anyone will even mind.

So far so good, after all. The real problem is -- gay marriage! And a horrid failure to fill the universe with more and more unwanted children!

MukaseyCites Risk in Using Term 'Torture'.

(At this, NBFH, in a very unladylike manner, spits.).

No, no risk in torturing.

Truth-telling? Whoa, now that's risky business!

Question from non-media-whore media Foreign Press: Uh, Meester Mukasey, Meester Bush, Meester Rumsfeld, Colonel Geoffrey Meeller, een your Eenglish language, how you say "consciousness of guilt"?



Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Down With The Pussy Christ!

Seattle preacherboy Mark Driscoll: pls. deeply enjoy NY Times story of testosterone-deficient loudmouth sexist fascist self-described Calvinist dude (with big-time personal castration issues) pimping way kewl ever so un-girly-manly Sexist Fascist Jesus.

"What really grates [on Driscoll] is the portrayal of Jesus as a wimp, or worse.

Paintings depict a gentle man embracing children and cuddling lambs.

Hymns celebrate his patience and tenderness.

The mainstream church, Driscoll has written, has transformed Jesus into 'a Richard Simmons, hippie, queer Christ,' a 'neutered and limp-wristed popular Sky Fairy of pop culture.'"

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Bushist Fascists to Vets: It's All In Your Heads, Suckers!

No purple hearts fer vets with post-traumatic stress disorder.

No wounds. No actual wounds, you see. It's sort of like waterboarding. No wounds there, either. No biggie.

Oh, except there are wounds generally speaking after one shoots oneself in the head in the process of committing suicide. So wouldn't that count? Wouldn't count if you just take pills, though. And what about wounds inflicted on other people by people with PTSD? Would those wounds count as wounds, ya think?

Suicide Attempts Jump for Vets by 500% In Five Years and Government Ignores It.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

US Child Abuse du Jour

Here's a Texas couple who managed to break the bones of their 8 week old infant.

Rudy Arismendez and Olga Arteaga were charged with Injury to a Child after doctors discovered numerous fractures on the child's body, according to police.

Police got involved when Arteaga took her daughter to Scott and White Hospital in Temple where doctors called police and Child Protective Services.

Temple Police say Arismendez abused the girl a number of times, causing severe damage to her body.

"It's very hard to break the bones of a newborn," said Temple Police Sergeant Brad Hunt. "They're very limber. They're bones are not developed in any way so it takes a lot of trauma, a lot of force to do damage."

And another very special present from Preznit Toad-Exploder: As Economy Worsens, Child Abuse Cases on the Rise.