I'm not windsurfing.
No, really, I'm not windsurfing.
No, I tell you, I'm just NOT windsurfing.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Windsurfing, I mean.
You know, it takes a lot of smarts and strength? It's kinda macho?
Unless and until it's spun completely otherwise? As one might completely otherwise spin an actual meritorious martial experience? Well, I'm just a broad so nevermind.
I'm just here making soup, as personal therapy. It might have been chicken soup, and frequently is, but today it's turkey. With vegetables and barley. As I chop, and saute, make things simmer, and str, while continuing
not to windsurf, I have time to reflect.
I reflect on having been regaled in blogtopia recently with reminders of how poorly the Dems have done in general elections. I'm not sure why people are reminding me of this, since I need no actual reminders on this subject. (People remind me of a lot of things on the internets tubeses of which I am perfectly well aware, thanks so very much.)
How poorly the Dems have done . . . why would that be, one wonders?
This segues into my sexism theme since it is the Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove Bushist Fascist Propaganda Cadre that has done so well for so long by successfully branding male Democrats as -- well,
pussies.Pussies. As in gurrrls. Wimps. Cry-babies. Losers. Effetes. Elites. Girlie-men. Smartypant sissies. Weaklings. Hysterics. Whackjobs. Nutbags.
Really, it goes back to the rat-f*ckers, the Canuck letters that turned Ed Muskie suddenly into a snivelling wimp.
Later, it was Mike Dukakis in-a-tank, looking like a Charles Schultz creation. Add soft-on-crime Willie Horton. Dukakis = wimp. Girly-man. Heavens!
Scandal over the insane price of Bill Clinton's haircuts, which proves he's a gurrl.
Hysterics over hysterical-Dean-scream Howard Dean.
Hysterics over the horrid girly price of John Edwards' haircuts, not to mention calling him "The Breck Girl."
Hysterics over patrician smartypants wussy effete ee-leete John "windsurfer" Kerry.
"Autumn Colors" smartypants wussy Al Gore.
You can't disparage someone in the US, at least overtly, for being of color. (You can do a miscegenation tap-dance, a la Harold Ford, certainly.)
But it's a-okay to disparage a man by labelling him as possessing the inherently inferior characteristics of the inherently inferior female class.
It's a-okay, because the belief of female inferiority is widely shared.
Not universally, but widely.
This is why all the
sniggering fratboys (and their fratgirl enablers) of our media whore media continue to get away with it.Why do we allow this to go on?
It is not unreasonable to try to portray one's opponent as weak, or stupid, or ill-informed.
It is wrong to attach a gender label to one's opponent for the sole purpose of disparaging their person.
It is sexist to do as Imus did recently, and call Obama
"almost a bigger pussy than she is [referring to Hillary Clinton]."Have we all had enough of this, one hopes? And if not -- why not?
The G Spot,