Jesus, it is said, wept even for the post-born, but America's Talibangelicals do not.
America's Talibangelicals weep for the "pre-born" (sic) and want us to weep for them, too, here. They're considering a bill that concerns the pain of the "preborn" (sic).
Yes, and while America's many millions of post-born unwanted children remain un-adopted, and un-fostered, neglected, physically and/or sexually abused, America's Talibangelicals focus on promoting government-forced maternity, increasing the numbers of unwanted children, and adopting the dear little teeny weeny lonely fwozen embryoes with their big round sad eyes, embryoes who call out to us from their lonely petri dishes, here.

Yes, and one finds it so interesting that those like James Dobson who support the pain of the preborn bill, while not supporting any pain of the postborn bill, are those who support the whipping of infants. Which would likely, you know, involve pain. For the postborn. So I guess that's why they won't be pushing to do research on that.

Yes, and one finds it so interesting that those like Dobson who support the pain of the preborn bill believe in belt-beating their children, as they themselves were belt-beaten before them, which, you know, involves pain. For the postborn. So I guess that's why they won't be pushing to do research on that.
Yes, and one finds it so interesting that those like Dobson who support the pain of the preborn bill believe in belt-beating their own puppies, which, you know, presumably involves pain. For those post-born doggies. So I guess that's why they won't be pushing to do research on that.
One wonders, sometimes -- did ALL the mothers of all these preborn-obsessed Talibangelicals, at one time or another, angrily reveal that they wished their kids had never been born? Or what?

Not that the Talibangelicals think there's anything wrong with that.
Not enough to write a law about, anyhow. When the U.S. House reconvenes in December, lawmakers will take up a key initiative on the pain felt by preborn babies during an abortion. The bill was introduced by Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., in 2004. Because THIS is what's really important, people!
Preborn, si! Postborn, no!
preborn pain bill
child abuse
government-forced maternity
James Dobson