Showing posts with label Talibangelicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Talibangelicals. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2007

Dirty Diaper Fetishist Senator Vitter Caught With His Pampers Down

"I'm not a fan of personal vendetta gotcha-style politics," said Jon Stewart on Tuesday's Daily Show.

"But -- there can be exceptions. Take Louisiana Senator David Vitter . . . .who came to prominence in the 90's demanding President Clinton's impeachment for the Monica Lewinsky affair.

Well, it seems the condom is on the other foot."

read more | digg story

The condom is indeed on the other foot. Seems that prostitute-using Talibangelical Senator Vitter, beyond merely paying big bucks for his hookers, prefers using pro-ho dominatrices to fuel his diaper fetish. And he's the one wearing them. Ee-ew.

Oh, and apparently flat-earth-Republican Mrs. Vitter, who was SO unforgiving of budgetary surplus-creating, Al-Qaeda aware President Clinton's brief consensual fling, has NO problem with her own hubby's illegal kinky professional adultery.

Hey, they're Republicans. They can have contempt for the rule of law. They can get away with murder and adultery. Up is down. Bad is good. Different strokes. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." (See below)

More on the Sex Senator, here.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Why Sadism Matters (For Those Who Slept Through That Part of Sunday School)

Why Sadism Matters: sadism matters because we live in a country so morally disabled that it is, sadly, not unreasonable to state the obvious, e.g., that sadism matters, since apparently some Americans need higher education on this point.

God knows why. (And remember, I'm Buddhist).

We could start with Cheney and Rummy and Preznit Toad-Exploder, but let's start with Romney, because it's a nice day and he has such white teeth.

Sure, they're calling him "Mutt Romney" now.

Some Bushist fascists think that's really mean.

I bet Ann Coulter thinks it's really mean.

Others disagree.

"I'll admit that I'm coming from a dog-centric point of view," Tucker Carlson, the conservative pundit, said Thursday on MSNBC. "But I'm feeling that maybe Mitt Romney lost my vote here. Do you need to be a PETA member to be disturbed by the fact that this guy put a dog on the roof of his car?"

[And left the dog there for a 12 hour trip, briefly stopping after the dog shat himself in fear, and the Romney sons became disturbed by the smelly crap all over their nice vehicle, so there was a crap cleanup.
"As the oldest son, Tagg Romney commandeered the way-back of the wagon, keeping his eyes fixed out the rear window, where he glimpsed the first sign of trouble. ''Dad!'' he yelled. ''Gross!'' A brown liquid was dripping down the back window, payback from an Irish setter who'd been riding on the roof in the wind for hours."

No one was disturbed by the dog's state. The dog went back in its cage on the top of the car, and back riding at 60 mph. There was no room in the car for the dog. They were too poor to make other arrangements?

Romney still asserts the dog loved it. Battered women too, like to get beat. That's why they're asking for it.]

Some Bushist fascists think it doesn't matter what happens to a stupid dog, anyhow. It's not as if they're embryos, after all.

Or miscarried fetuses, feti that could be put up on the family wall like Rick Santorum did, to more deeply feel the grieving process.

And we know by now that if there was a burning building with a nursery school full of 20 live kids and a medical center with 20,000 frozen embryos, the Bushist fascist hero, unwilling to risk his own skin, would bribe some poor person to run in and save all the widdle snowfwakes first.

Still other people think that, you know, what with "Christian" James Dobson belt-beating his own dog and then bragging about it, advocating whipping toddlers with real whips, and young George W. Bush torturing frogs, old George W. Bush starting wars to get back at his Dad, and old Big Dick Cheney torturing people (and Rummy torturing them, too, let's not forget about him), and all the people who are only following orders torturing people, yes, other people think that there's a theme here.

The Culture of Cruelty.

This profound philosophical view consists of the following belief:

It's ok that other beings suffer.

Thus: family doggie shits himself in fear?

So what?

Family doggie howls in pain?

So what?

Frogs explode when lit firecracker explodes?

So what?

Wounded troops can't get cared for?

So what?

Katrina victims drown?

So what?

600K+ dead in Iraq?

So what?

Picture of Not Mitt Romney's Dog.

(Oh, and President has the most sustained level of rejection by the American public ever?

So what?)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Well, some people just aren't surprised that a just God finally struck down Falwell.

Falwell just kept on perverting the teachings of Christ.

What's a wrathful God to do?

Apparently, all those tornados and hurricanes and disasters God sent to the Heartland and to the South to get these un-Christian Talibangelicals to finally toe the line weren't heeded, but were misinterpreted -- they certainly weren't enough to bring Falwell back from the Dark Side.

Eventually, God just had no choice but to cull him from the herd.

"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America," Falwell said after 9/11. "I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"

Falwell once also referred to AIDS as "the wrath of a just God against homosexuals."

Farewell, Jerry Falwell -- meet the REAL eternal hellfire and damnation!

Not to worry, though. You'll fit right in in hell.

(But you knew that . . . did you not?)

read more | digg story

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sadist Infant-Whipper Talibangelicals Practice Jesus' "Love Thy Neighbor" by Dumping on Sen. Clinton. So What Else is New. Jesus Would Be So Proud?

So sue me, but I'm quite tired of Bushist fascist sadism, particularly when it is practiced by so-called practicing Christians. I don't think anyone who advocates whipping real infants with real whips, like James Dobson (himself a survivor of sustained child abuse), and who also is an acknowledged puppy-beater (read his book), deserves any credibility from the media.

But of course, our media is braindead. So there you are.

More here.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The New Commies: Talibangelicals Infiltrate US Government

Well, well!

What have we here?

We have Abu Ghonzalez, at the behest of Preznit Toad-Exploder, trying to turn our democracy upside-down!

And doing a pretty good job of it -- unlike the hellish job they do at actually governing!

Which they don't even actually want to do!

Under Gonzales . . . almost immediately from the time of his arrival in February 2005, [things] changed quite noticeably. First, there was extraordinary turnover in the political ranks, including the majority of even Justice's highest-level appointees. It was reminiscent of the turnover from the second Reagan administration to the first Bush administration in 1989, only more so.

Second, the atmosphere was palpably different, in ways both large and small. One need not have had to be terribly sophisticated to notice that when Deputy Attorney General Jim Comey left the department in August 2005 his departure was quite abrupt, and that his large farewell party was attended by neither Gonzales nor (as best as could be seen) anyone else on the AG's personal staff.

Third, and most significantly for present purposes, there was an almost immediate influx of young political aides beginning in the first half of 2005 (e.g., counsels to the AG, associate deputy attorneys general, deputy associate attorneys general, and deputy assistant attorneys general) whose inexperience in the processes of government was surpassed only by their evident disdain for it.
Drowning good government in the Katrina-esque bathtub. Then putting the ship of state in the hands of Talibangelical fanatics whose sole desire is to sink the ship. End times, you know. So why not?

What fun. What total fun. The children's crusade of Bushist fascist Talibangelical DOJ Hitler Youth suicide bombers hard at work, blowing our democracy to smithereens.

Just like Bubble Boy in his youth, he who stuffed lit firecrackers down the helpless gullets of sentient beings, and blew all those toads to bits. Yep.

And so it goes.

Holocaust Denier Ahmadinejad Oppresses Females 'Cause "National Security" Made Him Do It: Prefers His Babes In Black Burqas

It's the medievalism, stupid!


(WaPo here.)

Scared you'll be tempted by goodies? Throw a big blanket over them cupcakes!

Scared you'll be tempted by gurlz? Throw a big black bag over that babe!

Or, like, whatever. Get all paranoid about Western influences. Get more attached to power than you already are. Ah well. What a clown is Ahmadinejad.

Iran's constitution dictates that a woman's life is worth half a man's. Women in Iran are second-class citizens, officially segregated from men in many aspects of public life.

Women are required to use a separate and dramatically inferior hospital system. State security officers forcibly remove female spectators from soccer games.

For a young Iranian woman caught at a co-ed party can mean arrest and possibly worse. Women are regularly hanged in public for "acts incompatible with chastity." Those accused of adultery are buried up to their necks and stoned to death.

In January of this year, a teenager was sentenced to death for killing a man who was trying to rape her. The campaign against women in so many aspects of life has had a profound social impact - in a recent survey 25% of Iranian women admit to being unhappy with their gender.

What a medievalist mentality.

Hmm. "Medievalist mentality." Shari'a Law. Not so far from the vaunted Dominionist "Mosaic Law." Fundamentalist Muslims, fundamentalist Talibangelicals. Much of a muchness, no?

At a Purity Ball, Ahmadinejad would fit right in! In fact, that's what he's running.

Medievalist Muslim Iran -- just one big fat overblown Purity Ball.

Talibangelicals Infiltrate US Government

Current attorneygate scandal features a Bushist fascist Monica (Goodling) who lacks a blue dress, but who sure can spread around a stain. (That would be the stain of corruption and anti-Americanism, FYI).

Extry! Extry! Read all about it!

Great stories about Bubble Boy's Talibangelical court-packing scheme, complete with its Bushist Fascist US Attorney-packing scheme conceived (and delivered) via the Satanic Pat Robertson's evil scheming.

It IS a right-wing conspiracy, and they ARE trying to take over. Like them commies, but -- way worse!

On the up side, they're incompetent. And America appears to be waking from her long numb sleep of post-9/11 PTSD.

AG Gonzalez showing characteristic Bushist fascist contempt for the rule of law, here.
"It's a curious contrast that leaders in the Department of Justice would slip a change into law to allow one U.S. Attorney to spend only a few days a month in his district and keep his job, while at the same time claiming to fire another for spending a few days a month away from his district to serve his country," Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) said in a statement.

Paul Krugman, here.

Globe here.

Slate, here.

Max Blumenthal, here. And this sure ain't what we call "Good News," if'n you catch my drift.

Sunday, December 31, 2006


The continuing Talibangelical fundamentalist war on science, courtesy of the Bushist fascists.

Watch out, kids. It's book-burning time!

HOW OLD IS THE GRAND CANYON? PARK SERVICE WON’T SAY — Orders to Cater to Creationists Makes National Park Agnostic on Geology

Washington, DC — Grand Canyon National Park is not permitted to give an official estimate of the geologic age of its principal feature, due to pressure from Bush administration appointees. Despite promising a prompt review of its approval for a book claiming the Grand Canyon was created by Noah's flood rather than by geologic forces, more than three years later no review has ever been done and the book remains on sale at the park, according to documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

"In order to avoid offending religious fundamentalists, our National Park Service is under orders to suspend its belief in geology," stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch. "It is disconcerting that the official position of a national park as to the geologic age of the Grand Canyon is ‘no comment.’"

In a letter released today, PEER urged the new Director of the National Park Service (NPS), Mary Bomar, to end the stalling tactics, remove the book from sale at the park and allow park interpretive rangers to honestly answer questions from the public about the geologic age of the Grand Canyon. PEER is also asking Director Bomar to approve a pamphlet, suppressed since 2002 by Bush appointees, providing guidance for rangers and other interpretive staff in making distinctions between science and religion when speaking to park visitors about geologic issues.

In August 2003, Park Superintendent Joe Alston attempted to block the sale at park bookstores of Grand Canyon: A Different View by Tom Vail, a book claiming the Canyon developed on a biblical rather than an evolutionary time scale. NPS Headquarters, however, intervened and overruled Alston. . . .

Ironically, in 2005, two years after the Grand Canyon creationist controversy erupted, NPS approved a new directive on “Interpretation and Education (Director’s Order #6) which reinforces the posture that materials on the "history of the Earth must be based on the best scientific evidence available, as found in scholarly sources that have stood the test of scientific peer review and criticism [and] Interpretive and educational programs must refrain from appearing to endorse religious beliefs explaining natural processes."

“As one park geologist said, this is equivalent of Yellowstone National Park selling a book entitled Geysers of Old Faithful: Nostrils of Satan,” Ruch added, pointing to the fact that previous NPS leadership ignored strong protests from both its own scientists and leading geological societies against the agency approval of the creationist book."

Down with Medievalism. Shame.

Full story here.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Congressman Tried To Shut Up Foley's Page

When there's a Bushist fascist sex scandal, it's way better to just shut UP about it, is it not?

Well, sure, if you know what's good for you. From the official report:

[T]he instant message could have been attached to an e-mail sent to Rep. Kolbe but not opened and read," the report reads, but adds, "If Rep. Kolbe was not shown the instant message he should have asked for it."

Still later in the report's account of Kolbe's involvement in the page scandal, it is stated that, according to the former page, Kolbe warned him, “it is bes[t] that you don't even bring this up with anybody.... [T]here is no good that can come from it if you actually talk about this. The man [Foley] has resigned anyway.”

An image of that portion of the report follows:

A few days after that conversation -- after the national media had circulated several Instant Message conversations between Foley and former pages, including some that involved discussions of penis size -- Kolbe left the former page a voice message, which, according to the page, said, "It looks like you did some talking."

Ah, those famed Bushist fascist family values.

GOPedophile protectionism, first, last and forever.

Via RawStory.

Friday, December 01, 2006

America's Talibangelicals--Preborn Pain? Si! PostBorn Pain? No!

Jesus, it is said, wept even for the post-born, but America's Talibangelicals do not.

America's Talibangelicals weep for the "pre-born" (sic) and want us to weep for them, too, here. They're considering a bill that concerns the pain of the "preborn" (sic).

Yes, and while America's many millions of post-born unwanted children remain un-adopted, and un-fostered, neglected, physically and/or sexually abused, America's Talibangelicals focus on promoting government-forced maternity, increasing the numbers of unwanted children, and adopting the dear little teeny weeny lonely fwozen embryoes with their big round sad eyes, embryoes who call out to us from their lonely petri dishes, here.

Yes, and one finds it so interesting that those like James Dobson who support the pain of the preborn bill, while not supporting any pain of the postborn bill, are those who support the whipping of infants. Which would likely, you know, involve pain. For the postborn. So I guess that's why they won't be pushing to do research on that.

Yes, and one finds it so interesting that those like Dobson who support the pain of the preborn bill believe in belt-beating their children, as they themselves were belt-beaten before them, which, you know, involves pain. For the postborn. So I guess that's why they won't be pushing to do research on that.

Yes, and one finds it so interesting that those like Dobson who support the pain of the preborn bill believe in belt-beating their own puppies, which, you know, presumably involves pain. For those post-born doggies. So I guess that's why they won't be pushing to do research on that.

One wonders, sometimes -- did ALL the mothers of all these preborn-obsessed Talibangelicals, at one time or another, angrily reveal that they wished their kids had never been born? Or what?

Anyhow, this is a picture of one Miss Brown. She was postborn and unprotected. She was beaten to death by her family.

Not that the Talibangelicals think there's anything wrong with that.

Not enough to write a law about, anyhow. When the U.S. House reconvenes in December, lawmakers will take up a key initiative on the pain felt by preborn babies during an abortion. The bill was introduced by Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., in 2004. Because THIS is what's really important, people!

Preborn, si! Postborn, no!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ego-Crazed Talibangelical Fundamentalist Loses State Senate Race, Concedes By Insulting Winner's Hindu Religion

Via RawStory:

After Minnesota State Senator Satveer Chaudhary defeated challenger Rae Hart Anderson, he received a rather unexpected congratulatory email, RAW STORY has learned.

Anderson, a Christian, spent most of the concession urging Chaudhary, a practicing Hindu, to convert to Christianity.

Dear Satveer:

Congratulations on winning the District 50 senate race.

Your phone is "busy" . . . no doubt with good wishes!

I've enjoyed much of this race, especially the people I've met . . . even you!

I see your deficits -- not all of them, and your potential -- but not all of it. Only your Creator knows the real potential He's put in you. Get to know Him and know yourself . . . you'll be more interesting even to you!

The race of your life is more important than this one -- and it is my sincere wish that you'll get to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He died for the sins of the world, yours and mine -- and especially for those who accept His forgiveness. His kingdom will come and His will be done -- on earth as it is in heaven. There's more . . . . I love belonging to the family of God. Jesus is the way, the truth and offers His life to you and each human being. Pay attention . . . this is very important, Satveer. Have you noticed Jesus for yourself . . . at some moment in time, yet??? . . .

Jesus Christ lives in His earth family by His Spirit. He said He'd be back, and He said it first. You could invite Him to make the race of your life 'eternal'. God waits to be gracious to each person that knows they need to be forgiven. Do you? I think you do. Just ask. Christ won eternal life for you and said so. Take Him at His Word. Take some time to get acquainted with this power-filled Jesus . . . God with us. You could be a temple of the living God, by invitation --- yours, TO GOD. :) There's nothing like belonging to Christ . . . not winning, not money, not degrees . . . it's the best.

Good wishes and better wishes . . . until you wish for the best!

Rae Hart Anderson

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wook!! It's Officiaw Snowfwake Adoption Week at No Bwood for Hubwis!!


This, to the weft, is a snowfwake!

Next, bewow, is Our Fearwess Weader cuddlwing a saved snowfwake!!

We just wove to see our Fearwess Weader snuggwing up to widdle widdle white babies born fwom embwyoes saved fwom a tewwible death!

We wove to see him decidering to do this, because thus, our Fearwess Weader is saving innocent wife!

Now, guilwty wives is a another thing entirewy.

Guiwlty wife pwetty much means evewwyone who is post-born. So, you know, scwew them. Once they're born. You know, wike in social Darwinism -- survival of the most obnoxious, evewwy man for himself. Hahaha. Oh woops except we don't beweive in Darwin and evowution and sewial time and stuff, do we? Oopsie.

Anyway, in these difficult Pwe-Wapture Times, we're so happy here that Our Fearwess Weader is standing up for those poor widdle embwyos, embwyos we've worried about before, here, and asking evvewybody to:
adopt the cute lil' fuzzy lil' "snowflakes," the widdle sweet teensy weensy fwozen embryoes that are weeping weeping in their sad sad sad lonely abandoned-orphanage petri dishes.

We've decidered ourselves to refer all our fearwess bwog weaders to the Snowfwake Adoption Service, here, so you can have your vewwy own snowfwakes.

The Snowfwake Adoption People have received over a million dollars of your tax money!

Wow! How wucky is that?

Here's what siwwy ol' bio-ethicist Arthur Kaplan has to say about snowfwake adoption!

Wooking at these shots, one does wonder -- is evewwy snowfwake diffewent?


Oh, and here's a picture of an actuaw siwwy widdle post-born baby -- we don't wike nannystates so we don't want to spend money on twying to pwevent things wike a siwwy post-born baby's vewwy own pawwents bweaking it!

But hey why twy? It's wike Iwaq. Tewwible things just you know, just happen.

Oh weww.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Huzzah! Bubble Boy Brings Back Burqas!

Bubble Boy bombed Baghdad to bring burqas back for bagging Iraqi babes, and he's succeeded beyond his wildest dreams! Deal with victory, scum-sucking, latte-drinking hate-America-first libruls!

Bush's secret intention, also a total success, was to install in Iraq a medievalist Islamic Theocracy! Right next to another medievalist Islamic Theocracy! Ha ha! Two in a row! Din'tcha ever hear of the Domino Theory?

All that crap about Saddam, and those horrible threatening WMDs was just--crap. We'll admit it now, ok? It was a ruse. Deal with it, sheeple.

Next to the Domino Theory, see, is the Dominionist Theory. That's where the juice is, and that's how, even though it LOOKS like Bubble Boy's really screwed things up in Iraq bad, just like the libruls warned that he would, we can now proudly state that Bubble Boy really hasn't fucked up beyond all recognition, you just have to take the longer view.

Here's the point: the up-and-coming, American uber-crackpot-Christianist-cult of Dominionism is medievalist, too!

Dominionists want to bring back neat stuff like, well, Mosaic Law!

Not so durn far from--Shari'a Law!

Let's look:

" . . . enforcement of the Mosaic Law will involve the application of the death penalty for such capital crimes as murder, rape, kidnapping, bestiality, incest, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, idolatry, witchcraft, the offering of human sacrifice, unchangeable rebellion in adolescent children, flagrant negligence resulting in the death of another person, blasphemy, apostasy, the spreading of false doctrines, and perhaps Sabbath breaking."

"Unchangeable rebellion in adolescent children" punishable by death? Well, well!

Let's look further:

"The reconstructed society will regard dissenters and heretics as treasonous criminals at war with the law and society."

Well, the rightwing screamfest lip-flappers are doing that anyway, so we're ahead of the game so far.

And what about:

"The reconstructed society will also be characterized by the rights of private property, a free market economy bordering on libertarianism, tight limitations on debt, the abolition of 30-year mortgages, a monetary system based on the gold standard, the tithe rather than public taxes financing most social welfare, restitution of wrong rather the imprisonment for many criminals, and voluntary slavery for purposes such as the restitution of a wrong or the desire for financial security . . . . [oh, so is this what the new marriage is all about? I especially like the part where women are legal chattel to men, and are handed from ownership by fathers to ownership by husbands with no independent decision-making at any time. Makes one feel so--secure.]"

You see, once the rising Taliban Christians here in America impose their medievalist Christian theocracy, it will nicely parallel the medievalist Islamic Theocracy in Iraq. The one that Bubble Boy created using our tax dollars and the blood of our children.

It's kind of an Intelligent Design thing, you know?

Or, what was that old saying--"stupid is as stupid does"?