I'm not making this up. I don't have to.
I never have to.
I love to have a D-student preznit and fearless leader of the Free World. Don't we all?
Full story here.
Do especially enjoy the perky American media whore media headline which tries to make lame excuses for Bubble Boy's bizarre, sophomoric, pathetic, entirely inappropriate behavior.
This incident has risen to a hot number two on my Dirty Bush hit list, coming right after his number ONE so-funny fake search for the Weapons of Mass Destruction we invaded a country to capture, but which didn't actually exist.
Oh well, everybody makes mistakes hahahaha: 100K Iraqis dead so far, a bloody Civil War in progress, Islamic theocracy, increased regional instability, big-time American moral and fiscal bankruptcy, downplaying 2500+ US troops dead, tens of thousands maimed, tens of thousands of troops bringing it all back home to the USA with florid, screaming cases of PTSD which Rummy will try to ignore so he can save some pennies. Hahahahahaha.
That was the greatest.
But, yep, the pig thing's soared right up to number two, right above Dirty Dick wearing his best snow-shoveling clothes to Auschwitz.
Iraq War
Israel Invades Lebanon
Update, via the Sydney Morning Herald, here: "Humiliating Spectacle of a World Leader Caught Without a Foreign Policy."
One must respectfully disagree. Bubble Boy has a foreign policy, and that foreign policy is:
no gay marriage, no exit ever from Iraq; Bolton isn't a total joke; the rule of law is a total joke; torture, atrocities, kidnappings haved been officially Decidered to be good, even if those damn activist judges are trying to clip my Genevas-free wings; AND--God really really wants me to start a war in Iran.
Update 2: How about "Roast Pig Guest Stars On Bush Visit to Germany," here.
Update 3: At Crooks & Liars, scroll down & check out the video of that porcine press conference in Germany--it's even worse than print reports suggest.
Note in particular the undisguised look of utter contempt German Chancellor Angela Merkel gives Bubble Boy when he nervously attempts to fob off a complex question about the Middle East with yet a third lame pig joke.
Bush, Merkel
Bush, pig jokes