First Dirty Bush regales the newly-elected Chancellor of Germany at the G8 with endless pig jokes until she shrivels up her face in
revulsion -- well, hey, of course, there
was boar on the menu (boor/boar? say, is that a "minimal pair"?), so
naturally Preznit Toad-Exploder assumed that a girlie-girl Chancellor would want to talk, not about the Middle East, but about cooking. Or food. Or like pigs or something. Hey, Freud didn't know either -- what
does a woman want, eh?
Then, later, he
gropes her.Bush is oblivious to physical boundaries, oblivious to protocol, oblivious to everything. He puts his hands on her because he thinks he can get away with it. God knows why she didn't smash him in the face.
Possibly because -- she's the frickin' Chancellor of frickin' Germany?
Say whut? Not just some secretary this time. He picks -- THE FRICKIN' CHANCELLOR OF FRICKIN' GERMANY.
Bubble Boy thinks he can get away with it because she'sstill just a chick. Which totally trumps being frickin' Chancellor of frickin' Germany, eh?
What a creep.
And there's a theme here.
Tell me about Dirty Dick Cheney thinking that if "the little woman" sent Joe Wilson on a trip, that that made his trip somehow by definition worthless.
Hunh?Tell me about Dirty Dick Cheney, some say, and Closet Cupcake Rove, some say, spreading it all around that Valerie Plame couldn't possibly be a NOC because, well, because she's a girrrl! As in a secretary.
Hunh?Earth to Bush-huggers. Yo. Being sexist is a really really bad thing to be. So is saying really
stupid stuff.
Thought you'd all like to know. Inventing fire would be, on the other hand, a good thing. Let me know when you feel up to it, Bush-huggers.
You know, that new concept: fire?
Not holding my breath. Well guess we better leave inventions to the libruls instead of the totalitarian D-students, eh?
Oh, and may I take this opportunity to express disgust, revulsion, vicarious embarrassment at Bubble Boy's table manners? Those really bizarre ones the displayed during the incident transcribed
here? Stuff he should have learned better than when he was, oh maybe, five?
Regard the
Dirty Bush/Blair 'shit' video, and enjoy the so-called leader of the free world not only talking with his mouth full, and chewing with his mouth open. Yuk Yecch.
He's playing 'ya like seafood?/see-food' or something? Where was pearlsy/swiney college dropout Mommy Barbara Bush when she was supposed to be teaching little Bubble Boy manners, sucking down six quarts of martinis instead? Did she teach him nothing, or is he on drugs, or what? What is wrong with Bubble Boy, clinically speaking?
Yeah, this guy's gonna be saving Western Civilization someday
real soon. What a boor.
What a
maroon.Bush, MerkelBush's table mannersG8Bush gropes Merkel