Lookee, lookee -- it's our third blogiversary, for a blog that was started by mistake, and is still mistaken. How did we manage?
We must feature blasts from the past. We'll no, we mustn't, but we are anyhow because why not.
Torture Recipient John McCain Caves In, Supports Dirty Bush's Pro-Torture Program
Dirty Bush's Pro-Atrocity Crowd: Water Torture By Any Other Name Would Be -- Waterboarding
Canned Hunts: Killing For Fun
First We Maim Your Minds. Then We Dump You. It's Hard Work. Still.
In Nightmares Begin Responsibilities
Bubble Boy: Sending Our Kids Out to Die For His Right to Remain a Maroon
Huzzah! Bubble Boy Brings Back Burqas
Who Will Rid Me of These Booger-Chomping, Testosterone-Deprived, Sniggering Sexist Fratboys?
None Dare Call It Sexist
And one's own weal favowite:
Wook! It's Officiaw Snowfwake Adoption Week At No Bwood for Hubwis!!
Happy blogiversary!
And the VLWC loves ya back!
How old is that in dog years? Congrats
Wow that's impressive - most bloggers I know lose interest after a few months or a year or maybe a year and a half . . .
Congrats - believe it or not it's an accomplishment!
Hard to believe, actually. ;)
But thanks, all.
Way to go No Blood! Looking forward to the next three years!
Thanks, Dan. ;)
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