Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Scooter "Scot-Free Felon" Libby IS Paris Hilton!! (But Paris Spent Way More Time in Jail)

Scootie to Judy:

"Out West, where you vacation, the aspens will already be turning. They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them."

Will they fall down in clusters, too, as one by one they are chopped down at the root?

Here's the Shuster smackdown of an OJ Libbyist.
Here's Dana Milbank.
And let's not forget: Clinton pardonee Marc Rich's lawyer was -- SCOOTER LIBBY.
Here's Dana Milbank.
Here's Thom Hartmann.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Dirty Bush Springs Convicted Felon Libby, Demonstating Typical Bushist Fascist Total Contempt for the Rule of Law


Completely sickening.

Arguably the most morally disgusting thing that Dirty Bush has ever done.

(And there's so much competition in this category, is there not?)

It's Bushist Fascist Jury Nullification.

Sort of like Bushist Fascist Geneva Conventions Nullification. And Bushist fascist Habeas Corpus Nullification.

Which leads to the overriding principle, Bushist Fascist Abiding-by-Law Nullification. Which sends an important message to our young people!

If you work for Bushist fascists, you can commit crimes with impunity!

And what a spin Bubble Boy put on his Scooter Libby "Get Out of Jail Free" "Free DC' sParis Hilton!" moment -- criticizing the sentence itself as "excessive," though the sentence is well within federal guidelines, and was imposed by a Bush-appointed Republican judge.

No, Preznit Toad-Exploder prefers the "slap on the wrist" punishment for cronies, whilst happily (like the true pro-life pro-torture Oedipally-challenged narcissistic monger of war killing 600K+ beings he is) frying many many other felons, like Karla Faye Tucker and assorted retarded persons.

Responding to the Rove-spin is Prosecutor Fitzgerald:
We comment only on the statement in which the President termed the sentence imposed by the judge as "excessive."

The sentence in this case was imposed pursuant to the laws governing sentencings which occur every day throughout this country.

In this case, an experienced federal judge considered extensive argument from the parties and then imposed a sentence consistent with the applicable laws.

It is fundamental to the rule of law that all citizens stand before the bar of justice as equals. That principle guided the judge during both the trial and the sentencing.

Bubble Boy has no interest in the rule of law, for he is Deciderer Emperor (sans clothes) of the Bushist Fascist Animal Farm.

Where "All Animals Are Created Equal -- But Some Are More Equal Than Others."

More here.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Why Sadism Matters (For Those Who Slept Through That Part of Sunday School)

Why Sadism Matters: sadism matters because we live in a country so morally disabled that it is, sadly, not unreasonable to state the obvious, e.g., that sadism matters, since apparently some Americans need higher education on this point.

God knows why. (And remember, I'm Buddhist).

We could start with Cheney and Rummy and Preznit Toad-Exploder, but let's start with Romney, because it's a nice day and he has such white teeth.

Sure, they're calling him "Mutt Romney" now.

Some Bushist fascists think that's really mean.

I bet Ann Coulter thinks it's really mean.

Others disagree.

"I'll admit that I'm coming from a dog-centric point of view," Tucker Carlson, the conservative pundit, said Thursday on MSNBC. "But I'm feeling that maybe Mitt Romney lost my vote here. Do you need to be a PETA member to be disturbed by the fact that this guy put a dog on the roof of his car?"

[And left the dog there for a 12 hour trip, briefly stopping after the dog shat himself in fear, and the Romney sons became disturbed by the smelly crap all over their nice vehicle, so there was a crap cleanup.
"As the oldest son, Tagg Romney commandeered the way-back of the wagon, keeping his eyes fixed out the rear window, where he glimpsed the first sign of trouble. ''Dad!'' he yelled. ''Gross!'' A brown liquid was dripping down the back window, payback from an Irish setter who'd been riding on the roof in the wind for hours."

No one was disturbed by the dog's state. The dog went back in its cage on the top of the car, and back riding at 60 mph. There was no room in the car for the dog. They were too poor to make other arrangements?

Romney still asserts the dog loved it. Battered women too, like to get beat. That's why they're asking for it.]

Some Bushist fascists think it doesn't matter what happens to a stupid dog, anyhow. It's not as if they're embryos, after all.

Or miscarried fetuses, feti that could be put up on the family wall like Rick Santorum did, to more deeply feel the grieving process.

And we know by now that if there was a burning building with a nursery school full of 20 live kids and a medical center with 20,000 frozen embryos, the Bushist fascist hero, unwilling to risk his own skin, would bribe some poor person to run in and save all the widdle snowfwakes first.

Still other people think that, you know, what with "Christian" James Dobson belt-beating his own dog and then bragging about it, advocating whipping toddlers with real whips, and young George W. Bush torturing frogs, old George W. Bush starting wars to get back at his Dad, and old Big Dick Cheney torturing people (and Rummy torturing them, too, let's not forget about him), and all the people who are only following orders torturing people, yes, other people think that there's a theme here.

The Culture of Cruelty.

This profound philosophical view consists of the following belief:

It's ok that other beings suffer.

Thus: family doggie shits himself in fear?

So what?

Family doggie howls in pain?

So what?

Frogs explode when lit firecracker explodes?

So what?

Wounded troops can't get cared for?

So what?

Katrina victims drown?

So what?

600K+ dead in Iraq?

So what?

Picture of Not Mitt Romney's Dog.

(Oh, and President has the most sustained level of rejection by the American public ever?

So what?)

Friday, June 29, 2007

Big Dick In Big Denial of Big Trouble

John Dean, who knows something about why Presidents and Vice-Presidents might need to resign, has an opinion on Sadist-In-Chief, Big Dick Cheney, and explains it, here.

I'm still enjoying Big Dick's flight away from the Executive Branch into the Legislative Branch in order to avoid trouble.

Oh -- but if he's not part of the Executive Branch, doesn't that mean he no longer can hide under the shield of Executive Privilege?

Oh right. Woops.

Thus followeth Big Dick's flight away from the Legislative Branch back to the Executive.

So, let's review.

He flunked out of Yale.

He's a coward draft-dodger.

He's a tricky Dick suck-up.

Now, he's an oilist, warmongering pro-torture Bushist fascist sadist Veep.

So, hey. What's not to love, eh?


Monday, June 25, 2007

Yo. Is this Bubble Boy's Notion of Pushing Cheney Under a Bus?

Here's WaPo.

What's the point of this article, anyhow?

Just asking . . . .

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Oh Look, WaPo's Got Another Sexist Article on Senator Clinton! I'm Shocked, Shocked!!

A sexist article on Senator Clinton! What a novel concept!!

Oh, and they got an actual woman to write it!

But say -- was Phyllis Schlafly too busy that day? Oh, and do you notice in this picture why everything's just as it ought to be?

It all began long ago when they got slaves to write about how great slavery is, and that worked out well, did it not? Or you know, maybe not?

Maybe they could get Markos to write a seminal article about how women in blogtopia who write about sexism in blogtopia are hysterics who are diluting the forward progress of way more important things, eh?

But enough of that.

Let's have a little healthy competition: read that article, and identify just how many pejorative terms, sexist phrasings, and demeaning coverage choices YOU can find, dear Readers!!

"Make Room for Some Bushist Fascists" -- How the Neo-Commies Infiltrated Our Government, Destroying Democracy From Within

From the Washington Post:

Karen Stevens, Tovah Calderon and Teresa Kwong had a lot in common. They had good performance ratings as career lawyers in the Justice Department's civil rights division.

And they were minority women transferred out of their jobs two years ago -- over the objections of their immediate supervisors -- by Bradley Schlozman, then the acting assistant attorney general for civil rights.

Schlozman ordered supervisors to tell the women that they had performance problems or that the office was overstaffed.

But one lawyer, Conor Dugan, told colleagues that the recent Bush appointee had confided that his real motive was to "make room for some good Americans" in that high-impact office, according to four lawyers who said they heard the account from Dugan.

In another politically tinged conversation recounted by former colleagues, Schlozman asked a supervisor if a career lawyer who had voted for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a onetime political rival of President Bush, could still be trusted.

Ooh. Worried that the McCain-voting right-wing conservative lawyer just might not be Bushist fascist enough, eh?

Full story here.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

At Abu Ghraib, Rummy & All The Bushist Fascists Got Away With Murder (And They're Still Getting Away With It)

America has two great fake journalists: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Apparently, America only has one actual journalist.

That would be Sy Hersh.

The General’s Report

"The President had to be aware of this.”

[General Taguba] said that Rumsfeld, his senior aides, and the high-ranking generals and admirals who stood with him as he misrepresented what he knew about Abu Ghraib had failed the nation.

“From the moment a soldier enlists, we inculcate loyalty, duty, honor, integrity, and selfless service,” Taguba said. “And yet when we get to the senior-officer level we forget those values. I know that my peers in the Army will be mad at me for speaking out, but the fact is that we violated the laws of land warfare in Abu Ghraib.

We violated the tenets of the Geneva Convention.

We violated our own principles and we violated the core of our military values. The stress of combat is not an excuse, and I believe, even today, that those civilian and military leaders responsible should be held accountable.” ♦

Full New Yorker story here.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Bushist Fascist Frat Boys Gone Wild

"Can you smell the English leather on this guy, the Aqua Velva, the sort of mature man’s shaving cream, or whatever, you know, after he shaved? Do you smell that sort of — a little bit of cigar smoke?"-- Chris Matthews

Aqua Velva? English Leather? Eau de geezerfart?


TRex at firedoglake has a disturbing take on the odd objects of Bushist fascist sexual fantasies.

Lightweight loudmouth Chris "Tweetybird" Matthews waxed hot long ago watching Bubble Boy prance around a ship in his sock-stuffed puffy-crotched flightsuit.

Now he's hot for Fred Thompson.

Fred Thompson???

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Catholic Church vs. Amnesty International: Forced Maternity More Important than Torture --

First things first, eh?

The Roman Catholic Church, that kind gentle Jesus-centered bullying harassing supposedly non-political tax-exempt religious organization, is telling its Catholics not to donate to Amnesty International. More here and here.


Because -- protecting a rapist's right to breed is way more important than torture, or human rights, or slavery, or anything, pretty much.

And because they're never been very interested in womens' rights, have they?

Saturday, June 09, 2007

We'll Always Have Paris . . . .

Yes, it's true.

We asked Richard Nixon to 'BRING US TOGETHER' to no avail.

Paris Hilton's done what Tricky Dick could not.

Old and young, Bushist fascist and Heroic Progressive, American, French, Russian, Iranian, Iraqi, Sunni, Shi'a -- with regard to Paris Hilton -- We Are One.

Cenk Uygur's great take on our finally discovering a Unified Theory of the Universe, here.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Libby's Unpardonable Offenses

Bushist fascist utter contempt for the rule of law takes a deep nose-dive into just "How Low Can You Go?" limbo-land.

(WaPo here.)

(One can only imagine the revulsion honorable conservative William F. Buckley, Jr. (who is unable to turn in his grave, not yet being dead) must feel to see the National Review crawling on its belly for a slimy pardon, calling for Bubble Boy's slimy mercy for Big Dick/Ming the Merciless' right-hand hatchetman, Scooter "What kind of a name is that for a grown man?" Libby.

And all those nauseating letters puffing off this supposed virtues, all in support of no jail time for him? Feh.

Libby's such a good smart loyal public servant, but he's above the law of the land? It's ok when Libby obstructs justice?

Sure it's OK! It's his country, his rules, his everything.

That's what Bushist fascist sociopathic megalomania is all about.

What America needs is not more megalomania, but less truthiness and more truth.

What America needs to heal is the name of the traitor who outed a covert CIA officer and thus lost all associated humint assets.

Where there's a will, there's a way -- waterboarding Libby.

So, sure, screw jail time for Scooter, just send him to Gitmo.

Food's great.

A nice long Club Gitmo Caribbean tropical vacation -- waterboarding Scooter Libby, just as long as it takes, till he finally spills his guts.

Libby owes us.

(But hey, boys and girls, in case you need some sunshine in your life, here's a real knee-slapper cum laff riot: Bushist fascist nappy-headed ho-in-chief "Dick" Morris tries to blame Bubble Boy's vile Oedipal Iraq War on -- C-C-Clinton!)

Friday, June 01, 2007


BILL O'REILLY: … "[Don't you know] what . . . the far-left want(s)?

They want to break down the white Christian male power structure of which you and I are a part!"

Oh no Billy boy, we all want to keep the White Christian Male power structure JUST like it is.

Not to worry, sweetie.

Plus, if you're a really good boy, I'm sure someone will spank you. For a price. That's what you're looking for, is it not?

Naughty boy.

Naughty naughty boy.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Well, only sexist Big Dick Cheney thought she couldn't be, since she's a gurrrrl.

Or, well, actually Big Dick Cheney knew damn well she was covert, but didn't like it, because she's a gurrrrl.

Or because she was working on things that Big Dick didn't want competent people working on, especially not if they're gurrrls.

In any case, outing a clandestine agent is treason, is it not?

Or only for administrations that actually respect the rule of law?

Even according to Poppy Bush:
Those who compromise our clandestine operatives are "the most insidious of traitors."

Oh, and just in case you hadn't noticed, Fitzgerald asserts in his filing that Valerie Plame was working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the Directorate of Operations (DO) on WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION related to IRAQ.


Killing two birds with one stone, were you, Big Dick?

Full story here.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Talibangelical Monica's Special Stain Spreads; Gonzo Frames Obstruction of Justice As "Consolation." O What a Prize Is Gonzo.

Even Talibangelical Monica knew she shouldn't be talking with Gonzo when Gonzo tried to get her to get their story straight.

Ms. Goodling appeared to contradict Mr. Gonzales’s testimony to the committee this month in which he said he had not spoken to his senior aides since the firings “to protect the integrity of this investigation.”

During a meeting in March before she resigned, Ms. Goodling said, Mr. Gonzales asked her questions that left her uncomfortable. She thought he might be trying to compare recollections, so their stories would be consistent if they were questioned about their actions, she said. “I just thought maybe we shouldn’t have that conversation,” she said.

Brian J. Roehrkasse, a Justice Department spokesman, said in a statement that Mr. Gonzales “has never attempted to influence or shape the testimony or public statements of any witness in this matter, including Ms. Goodling. The statements made by the attorney general during this meeting were intended only to comfort her in a very difficult period.”

NYTimes here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Monica's Special Stain: Dirty Bush' s Contempt for the Rule of Law Spreads All Over

Former top Justice Department aide Monica Goodling . . . [will deliberately refuse] to turn over documents that had been subpoenaed as part of the investigation into the firing of 8 US Attorneys. Goodling is set to testify before the Committee on Wednesday.

"I am concerned, however, about your statement that Ms. Goodling is going to refuse to produce documents in her possession that are responsive to the subpoena," Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), the committee's chairman, wrote to Goodling's attorney John Dowd.

In responding to an argument made by Dowd on why Goodling did not need to turn the documents over, he added, "We are aware of no authority that permits internal Department administrative regulation to allow a former employee of the Department of Justice, or any other person, to avoid the subpoena power of the House of Representatives, as that power is central to the House's ability to carry out its Constitutional oversight mandate and certainly trumps internal agency regulations."

At issue were a set of documents that Dowd, an attorney for the Washington, DC law firm Akin, Gump, Straus, Hauer, and Feld, acknowledged his client possessed.

Not that we're surprised by her being in contempt of Congress, are we?

More here.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Talibangelical Minister Microwaves Baby

Yes, I'm happy, too, that the Talibangelicals will soon be taking over our lives and our country completely, are you not happy?

Here, a Talibangelical minister, no doubt a loyal graduate of the James Dobson School of Kiddy-Whipping and Puppy-Beating, demonstrates how easy it is for a godly Christian man to throw a helpless infant into a microwave oven, and press "on."

Aren't you glad that, because of all the hard work of thousands of
Talibangelicals like the late Jerry Falwell, you and all Americans can now have and mistreat your very own unwanted baby, too?

Filling the whole world with unwanted babies who grow up to be criminals! Serial killers! Addicts! Murderers! People who beat their own dogs! People who throw their very own children into microwaves and press "on"!

God bless, America!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jimmy Carter Tells It Like It Is: The Boy-Emperor's Got No Clothes

At long last, love that sweet sound of truth, instead of the purulent propaganda that un-American Bushist fascist tubby creepy closet cupcake Karl Rove emits as if it were mere truthiness.

Right on, Jimmy! Tell it like it is!

Bush Is 'the Worst in History' In Foreign Relations, Carter Says

Associated Press
Sunday, May 20, 2007

LITTLE ROCK, May 19 -- Former president Jimmy Carter called President Bush's international relations "the worst in history" and also took aim at Bush's environmental policies and the administration's "quite disturbing" faith-based initiative program.

The criticism came in an interview with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, which reported Carter's remarks Saturday. The denunciation of a sitting president was unprecedented for Carter, a biographer said.

The former president also lashed out at British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Asked by BBC Radio how he would judge Blair's support of Bush, Carter said: "Abominable. Loyal. Blind. Apparently subservient. And I think the almost undeviating support by Great Britain for the ill-advised policies of President Bush in Iraq have been a major tragedy for the world."

In his interview with the Democrat-Gazette, Carter, who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, criticized Bush for having "zero peace talks" in Israel. Carter also said the administration "abandoned or directly refuted" every negotiated nuclear arms agreement, as well as environmental efforts, by other presidents.

"I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history," Carter said. "The overt reversal of America's basic values as expressed by previous administrations . . . has been the most disturbing to me."

Carter said that Bush's policy of preemptive war, "where we go to war with another nation militarily, even though our own security is not directly threatened," was "a radical departure from all previous administration policies."

Carter also offered a harsh assessment for the White House's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, which helps religious charities receive billions in federal grants.

"As a traditional Baptist, I've always believed in separation of church and state and honored that premise when I was president, and so have all other presidents, I might say, except this one," he said.

(Bush's actually the worst president in history on domestic policy, too. Why was Carter so soft on that bit, too, eh?)

More here.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Well, some people just aren't surprised that a just God finally struck down Falwell.

Falwell just kept on perverting the teachings of Christ.

What's a wrathful God to do?

Apparently, all those tornados and hurricanes and disasters God sent to the Heartland and to the South to get these un-Christian Talibangelicals to finally toe the line weren't heeded, but were misinterpreted -- they certainly weren't enough to bring Falwell back from the Dark Side.

Eventually, God just had no choice but to cull him from the herd.

"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America," Falwell said after 9/11. "I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"

Falwell once also referred to AIDS as "the wrath of a just God against homosexuals."

Farewell, Jerry Falwell -- meet the REAL eternal hellfire and damnation!

Not to worry, though. You'll fit right in in hell.

(But you knew that . . . did you not?)

read more | digg story

Friday, May 11, 2007

CBS Fires Consultant Gen. Batiste Over VoteVets Ad

Retired Army Major Gen. John Batiste has been asked to leave his position as a consultant to CBS News over a new advertisement criticizing the Iraq war. The ad was produced by the group VoteVets.

read more | digg story

Propagandist, Talibangelical Commie and closet cupcake Carl Rove is doing a great job at Nazifying America, and CBS is doing a great job of rolling over, putting its belly to the sky, and begging to be reamed again and again.


More here.

Did Big Dick Get All Blown Out of All Proportion, By the DC Madam's Ladies of the Night? Or What?

Rumor has it that Richard "Big Dick" Cheney, is not just a dick, which we knew, but a john.

A john using the uh services of the DC Madam's services. Oh, and by the way, ABC has been pressured to bury that story.

Anyone wonder why? Not me. Nope. No way.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Burying a story, that is. Especially a really juicy really embarrassing story. Not that the Iraq war, and Plame's outing aren't really waaay waay more embarrassing, but, you know, some people have no morals, particularly those who tend to behave like, well, dicks. No offense to dicks. Or johns.

Some say that if there were no johns, there would be no need for sex workers.

Some say that if there were, as it were, stiff penalties for johns, the world would be a better place.

Some say that, on many accounts, Big Dick makes the world a way worse place.

What say you, gentle readers?

VP Cheney, while CEO of Halliburton, was a client of the escort service of DC Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey. In addition, one of Cheney's closest military advisers and friends was also a client of the DC Madam's Pamela Martin & Associates escort service.

read more | digg story

WMR has confirmed with extremely knowledgeable CIA and Pentagon sources that the former CEO who is on Deborah Jeane Palfrey's list is Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney was CEO of Halliburton during the time of his liaisons with the Pamela Martin & Associates escort firm. Palfrey's phone invoices extend back to 1996 and include calls to and from Cheney. Ironically, in 2000 Cheney was appointed by Bush to head his Vice President selection committee, a task that enabled Cheney to gather detailed personal files on a number of potential candidates, including Bill Frist, George Pataki, John Danforth, Fred Thompson, Chuck Hagel, John Kasich, Chris Cox, Frank Keating, Tom Ridge, Colin Powell, and Jim Gilmore, before he selected himself as the vice presidential candidate.

The White House saw to it that ABC/Disney killed the DC Madam's story before yet another scandal swamped the Bush administration.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sadist Infant-Whipper Talibangelicals Practice Jesus' "Love Thy Neighbor" by Dumping on Sen. Clinton. So What Else is New. Jesus Would Be So Proud?

So sue me, but I'm quite tired of Bushist fascist sadism, particularly when it is practiced by so-called practicing Christians. I don't think anyone who advocates whipping real infants with real whips, like James Dobson (himself a survivor of sustained child abuse), and who also is an acknowledged puppy-beater (read his book), deserves any credibility from the media.

But of course, our media is braindead. So there you are.

More here.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Happy 4th Birthday,"Mission Accomplished!"! You Must Feel So Proud of All You've Accomplished in Four Years, Must You Not?

WaPo here.


General Eaton's Letter to President Bush on Veto
May 1, 2007

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

Today, in your veto message regarding the bipartisan legislation just passed on Operation Iraqi Freedom, you asserted that you so decided because you listen to your commanders on the ground.

Respectfully, as your former commander on the ground, your administration did not listen to our best advice. In fact, a number of my fellow Generals were forced out of their jobs, because they did not tell you what you wanted to hear -- most notably General Eric Shinseki, whose foresight regarding troop levels was advice you rejected, at our troops' peril.

The legislation you vetoed today represented a course of action that is long overdue. This war can no longer be won by the military alone. We must bring to bear the entire array of national power - military, diplomatic and economic. The situation demands a surge in diplomacy, and pressure on the Iraqi government to fix its internal affairs. Further, the Army and Marine Corps are on the verge of breaking - or have been broken already - by the length and intensity of this war. This tempo is not sustainable - and you have failed to grow the ground forces to meet national security needs. We must begin the process of bringing troops home, and repairing and growing our military, if we are ever to have a combat-ready force for the long war on terror ahead of us.

The bill you rejected today sets benchmarks for success that the Iraqis would have to meet, and puts us on a course to redeploy our troops. It stresses the need for sending troops into battle only when they are rested, trained and equipped. In my view, and in the view of many others in the military that I know, that is the best course of action for our security.

As someone who served this nation for decades, I have the utmost respect for the office you hold. However, as a man of conscience, I could not sit idly by as you told the American people today that your veto was based on the recommendations of military men. Your administration ignored the advice of our military's finest minds before, and I see no evidence that you are listening to them now.

I urge you to reconsider your position, and work with Congress to pass a bill that achieves the goals laid out above.


Major General Paul D. Eaton, USA, Retired

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The New Commies: Talibangelicals Infiltrate US Government

Well, well!

What have we here?

We have Abu Ghonzalez, at the behest of Preznit Toad-Exploder, trying to turn our democracy upside-down!

And doing a pretty good job of it -- unlike the hellish job they do at actually governing!

Which they don't even actually want to do!

Under Gonzales . . . almost immediately from the time of his arrival in February 2005, [things] changed quite noticeably. First, there was extraordinary turnover in the political ranks, including the majority of even Justice's highest-level appointees. It was reminiscent of the turnover from the second Reagan administration to the first Bush administration in 1989, only more so.

Second, the atmosphere was palpably different, in ways both large and small. One need not have had to be terribly sophisticated to notice that when Deputy Attorney General Jim Comey left the department in August 2005 his departure was quite abrupt, and that his large farewell party was attended by neither Gonzales nor (as best as could be seen) anyone else on the AG's personal staff.

Third, and most significantly for present purposes, there was an almost immediate influx of young political aides beginning in the first half of 2005 (e.g., counsels to the AG, associate deputy attorneys general, deputy associate attorneys general, and deputy assistant attorneys general) whose inexperience in the processes of government was surpassed only by their evident disdain for it.
Drowning good government in the Katrina-esque bathtub. Then putting the ship of state in the hands of Talibangelical fanatics whose sole desire is to sink the ship. End times, you know. So why not?

What fun. What total fun. The children's crusade of Bushist fascist Talibangelical DOJ Hitler Youth suicide bombers hard at work, blowing our democracy to smithereens.

Just like Bubble Boy in his youth, he who stuffed lit firecrackers down the helpless gullets of sentient beings, and blew all those toads to bits. Yep.

And so it goes.

Holocaust Denier Ahmadinejad Oppresses Females 'Cause "National Security" Made Him Do It: Prefers His Babes In Black Burqas

It's the medievalism, stupid!


(WaPo here.)

Scared you'll be tempted by goodies? Throw a big blanket over them cupcakes!

Scared you'll be tempted by gurlz? Throw a big black bag over that babe!

Or, like, whatever. Get all paranoid about Western influences. Get more attached to power than you already are. Ah well. What a clown is Ahmadinejad.

Iran's constitution dictates that a woman's life is worth half a man's. Women in Iran are second-class citizens, officially segregated from men in many aspects of public life.

Women are required to use a separate and dramatically inferior hospital system. State security officers forcibly remove female spectators from soccer games.

For a young Iranian woman caught at a co-ed party can mean arrest and possibly worse. Women are regularly hanged in public for "acts incompatible with chastity." Those accused of adultery are buried up to their necks and stoned to death.

In January of this year, a teenager was sentenced to death for killing a man who was trying to rape her. The campaign against women in so many aspects of life has had a profound social impact - in a recent survey 25% of Iranian women admit to being unhappy with their gender.

What a medievalist mentality.

Hmm. "Medievalist mentality." Shari'a Law. Not so far from the vaunted Dominionist "Mosaic Law." Fundamentalist Muslims, fundamentalist Talibangelicals. Much of a muchness, no?

At a Purity Ball, Ahmadinejad would fit right in! In fact, that's what he's running.

Medievalist Muslim Iran -- just one big fat overblown Purity Ball.